Settlers Park is a large park located in Meridian Idaho, where many children, teens, and adults practice sports and participate in sport-related games/competitions. This park hosts many soccer, volleyball, and football tournaments. There are many positive and negative aspects of Settlers Park.
For positives, there is a lot of open space for athletes to practice. Hailey Leuenhagen, Freshmen, states, “While playing a settlers park, it feels very spread out, like we are not to close with other teams who are also practicing.” As Leuenhagen states, Settlers Park is spacious and a great way for teams to get in practice time. This also allows them to do additional drills they would need space to do. Leuenhagen also states, “It’s an amazing space to practice because of the lighting, in the afternoon when most all teams practice, the sun is not in our eyes, but it is still bright outside.” This is a big benefit for settler’s park. With the sun not being in the team’s eyes, it is easier to focus on the actual sport instead of worrying about the sun blinding them.
There are also a few negatives about settler’s park. “Sometimes it’s hard to run fast and be on your A game, because the grass is super uneven, and sometimes not even mowed.” Leuenhagen states. This is a big downside to Settlers Park. Having risk of an injury while playing is scary. Also, not being able to play the best because of worries due to the uneven, not mowed grass can have negative effects on teams, sometimes even affecting the final scores in games. Leuenhagen, Freshmen also states, “The people there are not usually very nice, making it kind of hard to enjoy playing there.” Having friendly or mean people around teams can really make or break a good or bad environment. As Leuenhagen said, there are not super friendly people who hang out at Settlers Park, not an ideal situation, But Leuenhagen and her soccer team make it work.
To conclude, Settlers Park has Many Positive, but also a few negative things about it. Overall, this park is a pretty good option for team practices and games but has many aspects that can improve.