Free lunches may be taken away for students


Cameron Bush, Editor

For the past two school years, free food has been offered to students at Rocky Mountain High School. Many have asked if they should be offered to students, as well as teachers, and other staff members.   

Alec Randall, a tenth grader at Rocky, was asked if they should be offered. Randall responded with, “I personally think they should be offered to kids because we pay taxes to let people eat food so might as well just give them some, instead of going and spending my money on something worse like fast food, I can just stay here.”   

Randall also said, “I think that they [teachers and staff members] are way underpaid and should receive these free lunches.”  

Another tenth grader, Sam Jensen, said, “They should definitely be free and easy for kids that don’t have access to other lunches.”   

Jensen continued, “If there’s food to go around, why not give it to who needs it?” and explained further, “If I had to pay for [lunches], I would definitely go off campus a lot more and go get different foods, but since it is free, and I’m going to just take the easy route.” 

 Elijah Neale, a sophomore at Rocky, was asked if teachers and staff members should be allowed free lunches. 

Neale said, “I think they should have the choice; teachers are working just as hard as the students.” 

Breakfast and lunch are free for all West Ada students for the 2021-2022 school year. There is an online tool where patrons can see a menu of that day’s breakfast and lunch, and can also filter by dietary restrictions and allergens:  

It is not yet known if free lunches will be offered for the 2022-2023 school year.