Imagine this, you are sitting in your advisory class with your stomach grumbling. Before school, you woke up late and you had to rush to school, without eating breakfast. You are a good student which means that you have all A’s and B’s, but you still have to stay in advisory even though you are hungry. At Rocky, freshman are not allowed to get out of advisory until the fourth quarter, even if a student has good grades. Freshman should be allowed to get out of advisory if they have C’s or higher.
Mrs. Berg, freshman advisory teacher said, “I think it’s nice that freshman are required to have advisory for at least the first semester…but I think [letting freshman out of advisory] would be a good discussion to talk about maybe later on [in the school year].” Mrs. Berg brings up a good point, stating how advisory can be good for freshman when starting out in a big school and getting used to the transition from middle school to high school. This can be a true statement, but after the first couple weeks of school, freshman have already gotten used to the transition to high school, and they should have the responsibility to decide if they want to use advisory or not and be able to get out if they have C’s or higher. Freshman having advisory for the first couple weeks is a good idea, but after this they should have the choice of being able to leave as long as they have C’s or higher.
Hayden Nye, Senior at Rocky Mountain High School said, “Freshman should be allowed to get out of advisory, after the first quarter as long as their grades are fine. I don’t think that freshman should be treated any differently than any other class.” This is a good idea because it still allows freshman to have time to learn about high school and have time for their homework in advisory. Also, like Hayden says, other classes are allowed out of advisory, so why can’t freshman get out on the same standards of holding C’s or higher in every class. Overall, freshman shouldn’t be treated differently from other grades as long as they have the same requirements.
Gavin Zimmer, Junior said, “[Freshman shouldn’t be allowed out] because there’s already a lot of people out of the school during lunch.” While this is true, the majority of freshman can’t drive which means that the parking lot will be the same if freshman have advisory or if they don’t have advisory. Furthermore, the majority of freshman either stay on campus for lunch or walk somewhere for lunch which would avoid the chaos in the parking lot. The majority of sophomores and older have their licenses and can get away from the school without even interacting with freshman. To sum it up, freshman with C’s or higher should be treated the same way that other grades are treated and should be allowed out of advisory.
bao • Feb 19, 2025 at 9:56 am
“Freshman should be allowed to get out of advisory, after the first quarter as long as their grades are fine. I don’t think that freshman should be treated any differently than any other class.” that is a good idea
thank you for your information
Kolbi Lemro • Feb 4, 2025 at 9:43 am
I really agree with you, freshmen shouldn’t be treated differently, and they should have the choice to have advisory if their grades are good. and l also agree that freshmen should have advisory for the first semester so they can get use to high school.
Avyn Gurney • Jan 24, 2025 at 11:50 am
I agree with this article and that freshman should get out of advisory. Freshman should be responsible for their grades. I liked how the article had different point of views on the subject.
brooklynn juarez • Jan 13, 2025 at 9:49 am
this is a great story, o totally agrees with you, as for me right now I have a’s but last semester I mainly had grades c or above and having the choice of advisory or not would be great, we should not be treated any differently, also having the choice of advisory or not is a great highschooler life lessen if they have bad grades but decide not to show up to advisory to get those grades up is on them not the school
Korbin Adams • Nov 14, 2024 at 10:09 pm
Jennifer Jaeger • Oct 3, 2024 at 9:43 pm
I agree with this statement. Thanks for looking out for us freshman!
Lily Capell • Oct 3, 2024 at 8:12 am
#advisoryshouldn’tberequired I agree greatly. Yes, it’s nice to have it, but requiring it just feels painful. I myself don’t have any grades lower than A’s and I still have to stay.
Grady Ball • Oct 1, 2024 at 2:14 pm
I agree with this freshman should be able to get out of advisory
Safia S • Sep 30, 2024 at 7:19 pm
I’m a new student and a sophomore at Rocky and I wholeheartedly agree with freshman having the choice to get out of advisory.
Peyton Briggs • Sep 30, 2024 at 1:02 pm
Bro this is the most valid thing ever.
Graham Miller • Sep 30, 2024 at 12:44 pm
I agree with this
Freshman shouldn’t have advisory!
Taylor Starry • Sep 27, 2024 at 4:22 pm
I think that freshman should be let out of advisory just like the upperclassmen because freshman are held to the same standard as the upperclassmen so why shouldn’t they get the same privileges?