The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

Brady Abbott

Brady Abbott and all his accomplishments.
Joseph Hunter
Brady Abbot creating new records.

Brady Abbot is a hard-working athlete who is always supporting the team. He took first at districts in Pole Vaulting and has a personal record of 15’3ft. He has great relationships with all the coaches and has a great work ethic. He has self-discipline and doesn’t give up. Talking to the head coach of Track and Field, Brad Abbot states, “He is a good kid, he does his best, he accepts the consequences. When he is wrong, he is quick to apologize, fast to forgive and forget and he is my best friend. “Brady is driven and gives everything his 100% best.

His teammates have nothing but good things to say about him as a person or him as an athlete. At Varsity districts Brady showed persistence and determination. He had to pole vault in the dark but didn’t give up after each attempt. Talking to some of his teammates Joseph Hunter states, “Brady Abbot is the definition of great and has insane strength.”

Another one of his teammates Dayton Robinson states, “Brady Abbot is a tuff guy. He is an immaculate pole vaulter and I strive to be like him when I’m older. He is a very funny and fun person to be around and always makes everyone feel included.”

Abbot has shown great improvement from having a PR of 15’1 to ending the season with a new PR of 15’3. This has shown his dedication to the team and his achievements over time. Talking to He lives by the motto “Heros get remembered but Legends never die.” One word that is never used to describe Brady is cocky or boastful. He is humble and takes care of himself which makes him a great teammate. The track moto is to have Grit and Determination to be a hard-working athlete. Hard-working athletes understand the importance of discipline and sacrifice. They willingly make tough choices, such as adhering to strict training schedules, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and sacrificing leisure time with friends and family. These people possess an unwavering focus on their goals, and they are willing to make short-term sacrifices for long-term success. One of the defining qualities of a hard-working athlete is their ability to persevere through challenges and setbacks. They understand that failure is a part of the journey and use it as a steppingstone to learn and grow.  Brady Abott is one of these hard-working athletes.

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