The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

Rugby Isn’t What it Seems


Rocky Rugby isn’t what it seems


The people who do rugby are committed and very aware of the situation that they put themselves in. Rugby by any means is not an easy sport, constantly running up and down the field, battling for the possession of the ball, and always getting prepared to get hit, scratched, poked and other physical harm. But this is exactly what makes rugby fun. Not only do you get to hit people for fun but its also great for your physical health.

Many people don’t play rugby because they are scared they are going to get injured or worse. But what they don’t realize that they run this risk with every sport they do. Brock Phillips states “ Rugby is only dangerous if you are not playing by the rules but in reality there are set rules for tackling, you are only allowed to tackle them by wrapping around their legs.” Most people are stopping themselves from enjoying a new hobby that is super popular around the world.

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Not only is rugby fun it also has huge opportunities after high school. Anyone can join a random club for rugby and play, but for many people who play and enjoy the sport earn scholarships and play for worldwide teams. Since rugby is a sport played all around the world you can travel anywhere and play. Sam states “ This first semester my friend brock and I went to Ireland for a whole semester. It was fun to see the different culture between Ireland and The US and get better at rugby for it too.” Rugby has huge opportunities if you are good enough, realistically you can play anywhere in the world that has a team.

Over all rugby is a misunderstood sport and offers way more than what it seems. Next time rugby season shows up, sign up for it and find a new hobby that you seriously might enjoy.

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