The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

Upcoming: The 2024 Summer Olympics Spark Students’ Interest

Photo by Cécile de Sortiraparis
Photo of the Olympic Rings in Paris, France

The 2024 Summer Olympics are taking place in Paris, France from Friday, July 26th to Sunday, August 11th of this year. There will be 10,500 athletes from 206 countries competing in 329 events. The Summer Olympics occur every 4 years, which helps add suspense to the competition. All these professional athletes have trained their whole lives leading up to this moment to try and get a chance at even competing in the Olympics. Once they know that they will be participating in these events, these athletes will train even harder to prepare for the opportunity to battle it out for a medal and even a chance at the gold.

To get an interesting perspective from high schoolers, Rocky students shared their thoughts on the upcoming Summer Olympics.

A sophomore, Maggie Urian, expressed her excitement toward the upcoming Summer Olympics. Urian explains that she enjoys the Summer Olympics more than the Winter Olympics because she plays a summer sport but doesn’t participate in any winter sports. She then adds that as a golfer herself, she’s most excited to watch golf in the games since she’s “interested to see who the top golfers in the U.S. are.” Urian aspires to one day play golf in the Olympics as well.

Daniel Ferguson, a freshman, describes having a fun watch party for the Summer Olympics with family and friends. He replies that “Swimming and BMX are my favorite events to watch” because he thinks BMX is cool, and he grew up watching his brother compete in swim meets. Ferguson goes on to say that he enjoys the Summer Olympics more than the Winter Olympics because the events are more intriguing. He closes his statements by stating that archery and tennis would be fun to compete in at the Olympics.

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At last, sophomore, Danny Liu, shares his views on the Summer Olympics, stating that he doesn’t have much of an opinion on the event because he isn’t that interested in sports. He answers, “I don’t plan on tuning in because I have other interests that take up my time.” Liu later ends his response by mentioning that he enjoys the Winter Olympics more because if he were to compete in any event, it would be skiing or snowboarding.

After hearing different opinions from Rocky students on the Summer Olympics, it seems like some people are more involved in sports than others which can lead to a higher interest in watching the Olympics. However, it also seems that people’s interest in the Olympics relates to what sports they play or like to watch and if they take place in the summer or the winter. It is evident that the 2024 Summer Olympics will provide an intense competitive environment with a variety of events included.





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