Last month, all band kids drove to the Valley View for their biggest performance this year. Having prepared for many months, the band festival brought many good memories to all that participated. To get a little more insight, band kids were asked to share their experience.
Sophia Vezzoso, Sophomore, said in her interview, “So pretty much for 4 months we’ve been playing these pieces, practicing them until they’re perfect.” Sophia goes on to talk about how stressful but fun the whole performance was, starting with the bus ride there, actually performing and then coming back to school. “Usually, you watch some of the other bands and listen to them play too.” Since it is a festival where many schools come to perform at, everyone has the opportunity to listen and see how other schools did and how they performed.
Peyton Price, Sophomore, stated, “It’s an awesome experience. It’s really difficult for pairing up to that vital moment, but it’s worthwhile because of all that hard work we put in.” The band festival really is the peak for all band players. It required a lot of work, but in the end, it was all worth it. “It’s what we’ve been waiting for our entire band season, we get judged, and they give us feedback on our performance” At the festival, there are many judges, ready to give feedback, some good and some bad.
Audrey Cranny, Freshman, talked about her experience at the festival and how she felt when she walked on stage and performed her pieces. “During the whole performance, I felt the adrenaline and once we started to play it just felt like any other rehearsal, but once you walk of the stage, there’s this amazing feeling of happiness and satisfaction because you know you’ve just played your best piece.”
In conclusion, the band festival was a great experience for all band players. It offered a great opportunity to show their talents and all the work that they put into their pieces they performed. For the first time since the band teacher Mr. DeWitt taught here, they became superior at the festival, which is a huge accomplishment.
Parker Maxwell • Jan 24, 2025 at 1:23 pm
This is super informative on are band team. Im glad they are enjoying it. I cant wait to see them preform.