There is not a lot of people who wrestle at rocky mountain, but the ones that do are committed. Many of the wrestlers had high expectations for the season. It shows in their attitude on how they deal with practice and tournaments. Like Nate Galloway (junior), he states “wrestling season is when I have to forget all the distractions and just work as hard as my body lets me. It’s a huge commitment and I train everyday for upcoming tournaments and other meets.” Many of the wrestlers who sign up for wrestling are really committed to the sport and it shows in the way they work.
Nate isn’t the only one who is committed to the sport, others like him like Tyler Wells (senior). He states “Wrestling is the biggest commitment, if you aren’t fully ready to wrestle you could do bad during the season. It is important that you cant have any distractions from your goal. My goal is to place at state.” It is not only the wrestlers who have high expectations. Most of the coaches take their time to grind technique and discipline into these wrestlers. Assistant coach Moffet states “Rockys wrestling team was ready this season and we showed it, over the season we had a lot of work in the room and it showed in tournaments and duals. We had huge expectations for the rocky wrestling team and we definitely made those expectations.
Overall the rocky wrestling team had a huge weight on our shoulders and we prevailed. Many people like Nate Galloway placing at state, Tyler wells placing, Chase Jensen placing, Talea Nichols winning state, and others who did a great job at state and districts this year..
Cesily B Miller • May 9, 2024 at 7:47 am
I find this interesting, I used to watch wrestling when I was younger, and I wanted to try it out, but I never actually did sign up for it because I thought it would take too much time.
Jaxon • May 9, 2024 at 7:46 am
This article is very interesting and full of information. It gives all the info we need to know about what is going on with wrestling right now.
Alexa Allen • May 9, 2024 at 7:45 am
good read!