Recently coming off Thanksgiving break, we have seen lots of tired students, just waiting for the next break. This begs the question, should our Thanksgiving break be two weeks? One reason this w

ould ultimately be a positive change is to reduce stress. A longer break could provide a much-needed opportunity for students and faculty to rest and recharge, reducing stress levels and boosting overall well-being. Sophomore Gabriel Hernandez said, “Thanksgiving break should be two weeks so we can celebrate the festivities and we need to be thankful for each other. One week is not enough thankfulness”. Many students at Rocky think the same way. Also, it’s a longer chance to chase personal and academic pursuits. Junior Natali Madrigal said , “I went to visit my family in Sun Valley but didn’t get to spend a lot of time with them. With a two week break I would have gotten to spend more time with them”. With a longer break students can study, work on projects, catch up on reading, and pursue personal interests. This year finals are before winter break, not after. This means less time to prepare on your own. A longer Thanksgiving break may be a way to reverse that. Though the students interviewed mostly believed a longer break would be beneficial, there could be some drawbacks. This could mean disrupting the academic calendar, making it difficult for teachers to replan and coordinate their schedules and adding an extra workload on teachers after the break. Senior Jake Lloyd also agrees, “Not going to lie I think one week is perfect. But if we did have two weeks I would have gone up to McCall”. With finals coming upon us, students are ready for the end of the semester and excited to be on winter break.
Zane • Nov 30, 2023 at 10:31 am
It’s a great point that students might need an extra week to catch up on their work since we can’t do it over Winter Break anymore.
Carter Collins • Nov 30, 2023 at 10:15 am
I think that the break should be longer because we are all tired
Alex Nielsen • Nov 30, 2023 at 8:59 am
I agree with the idea to have a two week break for thanksgiving. If you hang out with family, you almost get no time to chill and have peace doing nothing instead of being busy.
Hayden • Nov 30, 2023 at 8:55 am
I personally completely agree with this statement the one week time period gave me little to no time for preparation on upcoming tests and upcoming assignments I had to work during the break that I was supposed to enjoy though I did go on vacation for most of the time I had to stay in the room and work if the break was two weeks this would allow me to not only have more time to finish assignments but also give me time to study and relax.
Harrison Massey • Nov 30, 2023 at 8:48 am
When I read this article, it really interested me because it is talking about if we should have a 2 weeklong thanksgiving break instead of 1 weeklong thanksgiving break and my answer to that is a yes because like the article said it can reduce kid’s stress.