Let’s Lock Up This Issue: Should Lockers Be Allowed Next School Year?
A rocky student opening a locker
April 24, 2023
Lets lock up this issue: Should lockers be allowed next year?
The school year is nearly over and within about a month and a half, students will be walking out the doors for summer vacation. That leaves students and staff thinking about the next school year and the changes that can be made. One big thing that I don’t understand, along with many students, is why can’t we use our lockers? Rocky has an abundance of lockers that are available for use and yet we don’t take advantage of them. This article will go over the reason we haven’t been able to use lockers; the benefits lockers could give students; the downside of using lockers; and student’s opinions.
Why haven’t we been able to use lockers?
School lockers have been manufactured all the way back in 1920, over 100 years ago. School lockers help students store their things and keep their belongings organized for classes. It’s a great way for students to keep track of their things and overall be more organized throughout the school day. “The locker market total being worth $1.2 trillion in 2019 and expected to be $1.5 trillion by 2024″ (nuesmart.com). If the locker market is worth this much, then why haven’t students at Rocky been able to use their lockers? It seems like it would help students in their day-to-day school lives and make keeping their assignments and worksheets for classes much more convenient. Since the Coronavirus outbreak in 2020 it seems like we haven’t been able to use our lockers since then. This has some truth to it. According to altpress.com, “Other reasonings for the lack of locker use include the rise of digital textbooks and the plain reality that most of the high school experience is changing,” (altpress.com). The Covid-19 outbreak has affected doing paper assignments and worksheets to most of it happening online. But should this really affect students’ ability to use lockers to the extent where they don’t use them at all? Students still have paper assignments even if it’s not as much as it was a couple years ago.
The benefits lockers could give students
There are multiple benefits of students being able to use lockers. Students get the benefit of organizing all their belongings for classes in one space. Lockers not only help students be organized, but for students who have extra curriculars after school, they have a place to put the stuff they need for after school. An example of this could be students who do track can put their water bottles and track bags in their locker, so they don’t need to run to their car, or to home to get their stuff. It makes it much more convenient for the students. Lily Moody, a sophomore, says “Lockers could be helpful for sports supplies and clothes and extra school supplies.” That’s a good point because sometimes there’s simply not enough room in someone’s backpack to carry all their belongings. Olivia Lanzara, a sophomore, says “They could be helpful to students because some kids just don’t have enough space in their backpacks to carry all their stuff. Athletes don’t have enough room for equipment and a lot of kids feel like they have to keep stuff in their cars which is really out of the way.”
The downsides
Some downsides of locker usage in school is the chance that hallways will become much more crowded. If everyone must run around the halls to get to their locker, then the hallways would become chaotic. Passing periods are only 5 minutes, and with lockers many students would be late from getting supplies from the lockers. Also, many students carry backpacks will all their supplies in it already. Some think it’s completely pointless to have lockers in school because of backpacks, and a good portion of schoolwork being online.
Student opinions:
Emma, a junior, at Rocky Mountain gives her opinion of locker use by saying, “Personally, I don’t use lockers. I like to be able to carry my backpack around with me so I always have everything for class. Although I’m not against the idea of lockers. If the schools bring them back I think it would be beneficial for people who have extra bags and other things they might not want to carry around.”
Reece, a junior at Rocky Mountain says, “I don’t think we need lockers one bit, there pointless now for the majority of students….They should be allowed as an option, if students want one they can get one.”
Ian, a sophomore, at Rocky Mountain says, “Sure for those who would rather have it, so they don’t have to carry as much stuff and are more organized.”
Kolbi Lemro • Feb 19, 2025 at 10:45 am
I think students should have the choice to have lockers or not. students can use lockers if they need to and it would help if they don’t have room in their backpacks. students who don’t need to use lockers if they don’t want to. I liked this article because it talked about Pros and Cons and students opinions.
Kolbi Lemro • Feb 19, 2025 at 9:57 am
I think schools should give the choice of lockers use. Mant students would want lockers to keep things in because they don’t have room in their backpacks. other students don’t have to use their lockers at all they can just use their backpacks if that’s what they prefer. This is a great article because it has Pros and Cons and also student opinions.
kanyon thorp • Jan 28, 2025 at 9:39 am
This article really puts into detail about the benefits of lockers. I can relate to the organization issue because I often find my backpack to be cluttered with useless utilities. Like it says in the article, Rocky has many lockers being wasted. Why not use them? Overall, I think using lockers will do nothing but benefit Rocky Mountain high School.
sophia zaverukha • Jan 24, 2025 at 1:26 pm
Lockers can be convenient for some people but i think that people should decide if they want a locker. Some people like having lockers. Some people like to carry their backpacks around.
Nathaniel • Jan 24, 2025 at 1:22 pm
I think that lockers would be pretty useful, I personally don’t use them that often. However, It could be great for when needing big items for a class, or a presentation, but you don’t have the space in your backpack, or you don’t want to lug it around everywhere. But at least having the option would be great for kids who want it, great article!
Sophia Kaylee Carlson • Jan 13, 2025 at 12:54 pm
I think students should chose if you want a lock in case of something but can still carry are backpacks around.
mikayla prandini • Jan 13, 2025 at 12:52 pm
very well written. I think that students should be able to use lockers but as an optional thing. it’s shouldn’t be required but if people want to, they should be able to
brooklynn juarez • Jan 13, 2025 at 10:51 am
I believe students should not have lockers, the benefits you stated were really good but also the downsides are more powerful than the benefits, thank you for this information, it was really helpful
Nathaniel, Barraza • Jan 13, 2025 at 9:46 am
I think that lockers would be pretty useful, I personally don’t use them that often. However, It could be great for when needing big items for a class, or a presentation, but you don’t have the space in your backpack, or you don’t want to lug it around everywhere. But at least having the option would be great for kids who want it, great article!
Audrey • Dec 18, 2024 at 9:34 am
I think that we should provide everyone with a locker and then if people don’t want to use them then they don’t have to. It seems useless to have lockers around the school and not use them.
Julia • Dec 17, 2024 at 11:48 am
I think lockers should be optional because some people may have teachers who assign lots of paper things while other teachers may not.
Atley • Dec 17, 2024 at 9:22 am
A locker would be nice to have because then i won’t be carrying so much stuff at a time and i can trust that no one will try to steal my stuff if I can lock it.
Brooks Nobil • May 13, 2024 at 12:41 pm
At my school, there was a snack thief but I think lockers can help.
Carson • May 9, 2024 at 7:48 am
Lockers should be used. I think lockers should be used next year because they keep your stuff. and keeps stuff from being stolen. But I think you should still be able to bring backpacks to class if you want.
Aubrey Markowich • May 8, 2024 at 8:03 am
Personally, I think lockers should be allowed next school year. I hate carrying around my backpack that weighs almost 50 pounds! it’s exhausting!
Peyton • May 8, 2024 at 7:59 am
I feel like student should get the choice for if they want a locker or not, but this was a very good article explaining both sides of the argument.
mason • May 8, 2024 at 7:59 am
for me atleast i find having no lockers useful becuase instead of having to switch out stuff for every period i just carry all my items with me and is very useful, so i think that lockers should not be allowed next year
Madson Struckmeyer • Jan 24, 2024 at 8:48 am
I think Lockers should not be allowed next school year, because students carry their backpacks with them to class. They have no need for a space to hold these items.
Svitlana • Apr 24, 2024 at 11:20 am
I don’t think they are needed.