About two weeks ago, January 30, 2025, Rocky Mountain was visited by a famous actor Shaan Sharma. Shaan Sharma is an actor mostly known for playing Shmuel in the show “The Chosen”. Sharma came to speak to students about his journey as an actor and what life is like being on and off set.
Sharma was born in Bombay (now Mumbai) India before migrating to the United States and growing up in Minnesota. Growing up, Sharma’s home life was hard, and he didn’t like to be home, so he put his extra time into piano and he got free voice lessons from his music teacher. Sharma never wanted anything to do with the acting business till he was convinced to try out for his school fall musical. Sharma ended up being cast and given a solo since he was in the choir. Sharma states “And that started my theater experience. And then I got hooked.”
Sharma eventually moved to Los Angeles in 2007 to pursue acting at a higher level because Los Angeles has a lot of film and television there. Sharma talks to the kids about his religion and how he incorporates it into his work. Shamar states to the students, “…you know, it’s interesting, because we don’t call it a religious show.” He then goes on to explain how the show is bible based so that is religious, but the people that watch the show resonate with it is because the show is not preaching or trying to convert anyone. Sharma also talks about how religion has been the central part of life. He shared a very personal story with the students about a time when he was five years old, and his sister was in the hospital with spinal meningitis, and he told his parents he wanted to go home right away. When they took him home, he went straight to the place in their house where they prayed. He then began praying for his sister and when he was done, they got a call saying she had turned the corner and was healed.
Throughout the presentation he talks more about his life on set. Sharma talks about how exhausting and difficult it can be, but he also talks to the students about how much he loves difficult challenges. Sharma gives the students advice about hard challenges and tells them to look at the good sides because it’s better to work hard for things than just get them handed to you.
At the end of his presentation he spoke about how it is important for kids to create their own videos and do what they love. Sharma’s advice was if you want something to try, even if you don’t think you can; do it. A student was asked if Sharma said anything that stood out to her, Clara Milton, sophomore, said, “Follow your dreams. Even if you don’t think you can make it. Try.”
At the end, once all the students were gone, Sharma was asked what his advice would be for future aspiring actors. He said, “I think the main thing is to know that you can do it, that you absolutely can do it.” Sharma then goes on to explain that most actors were not good when they started. Sharma was very clear that you need to stay true to yourself and beliefs because the first question people ask when you meet someone famous is “are they nice”. If you are rude to fans and people on set, people will not want to work with you or be around you because people want to be around someone who uplifts them and encourages them.
Kami Hill • Feb 25, 2025 at 9:51 am
I really liked that you gave a background on Sharma for the people who didn’t know who he was. Providing reasons to care about what he says and how he rose to his current status.
Thomas • Feb 19, 2025 at 10:00 am
Shaan has faced lots of adversity and to be able to visit are local high school and share his stories is amazing.
Brendan Reimer • Feb 19, 2025 at 10:00 am
Sharma faced much adversity, but he still became successful. I like how he’s able to give good advice to upcoming actors. I hope he’s able to continue his career and be successful.
SEBASTIAN CASTRO • Feb 19, 2025 at 9:55 am
This is really cool how a actor came to visit this school, I have seen a little bit of this series and its good awesome for Shaan to come rocky and inspire some students if there instrested in acting or just in live any way.
Jack Werle • Feb 19, 2025 at 9:49 am
I like how the author gives a backstory on the person before telling us what they spoke about because some people might not know who they are.