The Soccer game has proven to be a battle between will and endurance, tonight’s senior game was just that. It was anyone’s game until Rocky pulled away and won their senior night game, they made the effort and won. The team rallied as they triumphed over this victory to uplift their seniors in the last game at Rocky.
The Players had lots of good and uplifting messages to share and be said like in this quote as we start off this article, “Mountain View gave us a run for our money, was a good competition and tested our abilities. Making us prove ourselves that we can beat their players great talent” (Kalia, Rocky girls varsity player). Hallie went on to share, Rocky’s girls soccer player, “We did really good, I think we will be in the State Championship in the future of this season.” As the team moves on towards the end of the season with one goal in mind that they are going for the State Title for true victory as the coach mentions, “I think we are doing really good, but we can also work on selfishness and work more as a team, doing this I think we are state contenders for sure” (Coach Pyle). Spectators drawn into the suspenseful game such as Angeline “Junior Varsity Soccer Player” she went on to say, “I think they play good as a team and have good team chemistry, playing well as a team”. With all this in mind they all have that one thing in mind victory in the State Finals to show they really do soar into victory.
Rocky Mountains grit and perseverance will keep them moving into the position of winning a State Championship. Mountain Views players and methods were really something, they made Rocky push harder than ever with every drop of sweat that fell onto the field with glory as the game comes to an end. Now it’s all up to them on how they will face the rest of their games in the future as the season is abruptly coming to an end.
Joseph Pinegar • Feb 5, 2025 at 1:25 pm
i like how it says that it was a battle between will and endurance because i play soccer and i know from experience that it takes a lot of endurance and i like how rocky won the game because they made an effort.
Evelyn Thornton • Jan 24, 2025 at 11:49 am
I liked how they had a goal that they would go for the State Title for true victory. It shows their confidence that they can win and how excited they are.
Marley Wilcher • Dec 18, 2024 at 9:39 am
I liked how you added all of the different people’s opinions on how the team did. this helped me stay up to date on how the soccer session is going.