In the town of Meridian Idaho, there is a junior at rocky mountain high school who has a great love for the sport of Football, his passion and love for the sport started at a young age, 5 years old. His first tackle football team that he participated in was called the Grizzlies where he played wide receiver. And the people that he had on his team back when he was 5 are still close friends that he plays with today.
Owen had this passion from football that started from his brother and his family, his dad was also one of his coaches during optimist the league he played in when he was young and his dad is still his coach today, and he just felt that he was good at this sport and he enjoyed to play it with the support from his friends and family he has continued to play this sport and brought to high school and he has earned himself a starting spot on the Rocky Mountain High School varsity football roster playing positions such as De also known as Defensive end and LB which is also known as a Linebacker. Owen has one big goal for this season which is for him and his team to go and win the state title. I asked Owen about what he does on game days to prepare for the game he says he likes to get to school earlier than other people just to make sure that he is on time to his classes and he hydrates and he made sure to include one of the most important things is to get a good night sleep so you are well rested and not tired and he makes sures to get a good lunch in on game days he choose to go home so he is not late and can get back to school at a early and good time.
Owen has the number 30 jersey here and rocky which is something that he wants to change his brother Parker Weatherly played at rocky before him and at the same position that he did which is Defensive end. Owen wants to be able to have the number 16 jersey next year so he can have the same number that his brother did when he played.
Owen told be about the best things and worst things about his sport, the best thing he said is just being able to go out and have fun and to compete, the worst thing Owens said was just being sore and tired most times after practice and after almost every game. Owens passion for football on and off the field often playing with his friends on turf fields even if it’s just going and throwing the football around Owen is always available, one thing Owen said he likes to do is gather all his friends and go and play football and make their own teams and just go out and have fun playing the sport. Owen said he likes to go out and do this because it helps him improve in his sport but with it he is able to go out and have fun just being able to hang out with his friends while doing something that he is interested in. Owens goals for the future with football is he wants to be able to take it to the next level and play at the college level and play for Boise State University.
Some quotes that Owen has said is, “live a little” because he just wants people to go out and live there life and not care about what other people think about you on and off the field. Owen has also said about being the in sport that helps with is passion is being able to go all over the field with him saying that he loves to, “fly around the field” just being able to go around and hitting people and he just says being on the field is a freeing feeling for him just letting him be able to be him on the field.
Owen is an outstanding player for his football team and someone who tries his hardest in practice to just be the best in everything that he tries on and off the field.
brigham • Feb 12, 2025 at 9:51 am
Owen does a lot on game days to assure that he is ready to play his best. He hydrates, gets to school on time, and eats healthy so he can play to the best of his ability.
hulls jackson • Feb 10, 2025 at 12:21 pm
Wow i had no idea he started at a young age. his story is really inspiring even after he was sore and tired his love for the game of football never left him
Brooklynn Juarez • Feb 10, 2025 at 9:46 am
Such a great story to tell about a good football player, Owen is such a hard-working player, taking care of his body and making sure he is prepared for a game in hopes they win is such an amazing and hard thing to do as teenagers. thank you so much for sharing his story and some quotes he has shared.
Justin Caldwell • Feb 6, 2025 at 1:22 pm
Owen is a really dedicated athlete. He started at a young age but through some challenges his family helped him through it. He has a big drive for football and this article really shows it and his personality. This article about Owen shows what it is like to have a drive for football and an amazing passion.
Cooper Edwards • Feb 5, 2025 at 1:16 pm
I love how Owen started at such a young age through is family and that his family helped him through it. i also love how he stuck with it and never gave up. its also cool how he wants his brother’s number because he looks up to him
Haidyn • Feb 4, 2025 at 9:42 am
This showed me that older siblings really do have an impact on younger siblings and that makes me want to be better.
parker S • Jan 28, 2025 at 9:34 am
I really love how Owen is inspired by his older brother. I feel like I can relate to this because I look up to my older brothers as well. the way gabe was detailed in the reason why Owen plays football makes this article very interesting.
BODEY JACKSON CARLSON • Jan 24, 2025 at 1:28 pm
I love how Owen started at such a young age through is family and that his family helped him through it. i also love how he stuck with it and never gave up. its also cool how he wants his brother’s number because he looks up to him.
kanyon thorp • Jan 24, 2025 at 9:48 am
I love how this article talks about how Owen gets ready for his games. It really puts into detail how hardworking it is to play football, and Owen fills that criteria. Number 16 fits him, inspiring story this is.
Kamrynn Downey • Jan 15, 2025 at 1:34 pm
Owen is hard working. he eats healthy, stays hydrated and stays on top of his schooling.
Connor Lytle • Jan 14, 2025 at 2:36 pm
I love how Owen started at such a young age through is family and that his family helped him through it. i also love how he stuck with it and never gave up. its also cool how he wants his brother’s number because he looks up to him
BODEY JACKSON CARLSON • Jan 13, 2025 at 2:35 pm
I love how Owen has played all around great athlete I love how much commitment and starchier. This young man will be truly remembered by us here at rocky.
Kate Norberg • Jan 13, 2025 at 2:34 pm
I really liked reading this article because it shows the kind of person Owen is and how much he likes his sport. it also shows how devoted to football he is. he seems like a great person and fun person to be around. One more thing I liked is it shows the ups and downs of football.
Isabella • Jan 13, 2025 at 2:31 pm
Owen does a lot on game days to assure that he is ready to play his best. He hydrates, gets to school on time, and eats healthy so he can play to the best of his ability.
Nolan moore • Jan 7, 2025 at 10:08 am
I love how Owen has played the sport at a young age and he’s still playing football to this day this shows that with lots of practice and participation anything is possible.
Cameron Taylor • Dec 18, 2024 at 9:35 am
Wow, Owen seems like such an awesome person. This article really highlights his personality and his drive for playing football. This is such an awesome article that really shows what it is like to play and have a passion for football.