The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

Rocky Mountain Playschool

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Rocky Mountain high school students that take the class Parenting and Child Development, are assigned a group project, which includes planning a lesson with their team members for pre-school children, then teaching the kids a week later.

Former students, current students, and teachers all have the opportunity to sign their children up to stay at Rocky for the class periods and have some fun while being looked after. The students, acting as caretakers in the class did an excellent job of setting up activities and creating a safe environment for the children put under their authority.

The students make room and plan out activities for the children, Hailey Prandini, sophomore at Rocky said, “Kids come into class, and we do all kinds of activities with them. We push out the desks to make more space for them and they have a toy area and a table for them to do their activities on.”

Ms. Smith, Teen Living and Parenting and Child development teacher said this activity benefits the students here at Rocky, Having playschool as a lab activity allows for students to take everything they’ve learned from the year and use it for a real life situation. It helps them to learn how to interact with the kids and help them and learn their behavior and communicate with real life kids.”

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Ms. Smith also said, “It helps the child development students decide if this is something or a career they are interested in. They benefit by learning how to handle kids if they want to be a teacher someday or go into childcare.

How does playschool benefit the children? Ms. Smith said, “The little kids benefit from this because some of them are too young to go to preschool so it gives a good opportunity for them to kind of understand what school could be like.”

When asked if both the students and children enjoy this activity, Ms. Smith said, “Oh they love it! They never expect to love it as much as they end up loving it,” “Yes, the littles they love it too. A lot of the parents say they come home excited to tell them about the things they learned and bring home art projects.”

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