The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

College? What’s that?

Why is college beneficial?
Shawn Fisher
A former Yale student comes to talk about Yale

In today’s world, going to college is more important than ever. Here’s why:

Having a college degree opens more job options and can lead to higher-paying jobs. Employers often look for candidates with higher education because it shows they have skills and knowledge needed for the job. Jobs like accounting or Lawyers need at least a couple years in that job/skill set in college. While they pay the best you need A masters for the best paying jobs you could possibly have and a better chance to be successful, “I would say It’s the best way to get a future or a good job.” Clara Milton, Freshmen, states that it’s a really good idea to go to college so that you can find the job that’s for you, which leads to the next point.

College isn’t just about studying. It’s a time for personal growth and development. “It helps you find the path you want to go on and help you along the way with things that you will use in your life.” Freshmen, Evan McCall thinks that with college you don’t only just learn what you need, you learn what is beneficial to you, not just your major’s standards. Students learn how to think critically, solve problems, and work with others. They also have the chance to explore new interests and passions.

Also, if you start with a certain major, you don’t have to stick to it even though you don’t like it. Many people change what they major in because of new interests when exploring what college has to offer. “I was majoring in pre-med and switched to psychology + education” Ms. Fisk said. When you are in college you never have to stick to one thing, while many adults’ studies in a specific major. According to it states that 26% of people change their majors in college.

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Overall, going to college is important because it gives people the tools they need to succeed in today’s world. It’s an investment in the future that can lead to a rewarding career and a fulfilling life.


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