National groundhogs’ day is a holiday that takes place on February 2nd. A groundhog that goes by the name Punxsutawney Phil. On February 2nd every year, Phil will poke his head out of his burrow. If Phil see’s his shadow it is predicted to have 6 more weeks of winter….but, if he doesn’t see his shadow, it means spring will come early. On Friday February 2nd, 2024, it was predicted for spring to come early. However the weather in Meridian Idaho said otherwise. Not only was it cold and rainy but it also snowed in March. Students of Rocky Mountain do not agree with this prediction and were asked about their input on it.
Students answered the question, “Did the groundhog lie about spring this year?” Followed up by, “Why or why not?” let’s hear what the students have to say.
Sophie Judd, a freshman at rocky stated, “Yes, I do believe that the groundhog lied. Once he said that it would be spring the weather just got colder.”
Followed up with Brooke Singelyn, another freshman at Rocky also stated, “He definitely lied because its cold, I just want it to be warm so I can get a tan.”
The last freshman, Sophia Warren, gave a little bit different viewpoint, “I do, and I don’t at the same time. The weather has been kind of all over the place. One day it’s snowing and one day its 70 degrees and sunny.”
With many people’s inputs on this, the majority says he did lie. But who knows the weather could be getting warmer, the UV index could jump up, and as soon as you know we could be in swimsuits jumping into a pool to cool off. Or… it could be the exact opposite. Bundling up to get warmer, wearing big coats, and putting those snow tires back on. At this point in the middle of spring and winter who knows at this point what direction it is going to go. What do you think, did the groundhog lie or was he being truthful?
krew David spiker • May 8, 2024 at 8:47 am
You did a good job. I agree the Punxsutawney Phil is a big fat liar. I do not like how he lied to and I wish that it was getting hotter instead of colder so i can go boating.