The Unique Boutique

Sherri Dominici

An example of one of the setups in the Unique Boutique.

Addison Burney, Reporter

The 18-21 program will be holding a boutique for any used items. They named this boutique the Unique Boutique. Angelina Hickman runs the 18-21 program and is putting on the Unique Boutique. Angelina Hickman answered some questions about the boutique.

The Unique Boutique is collecting gently used clothing items, shoes, accessories, home decorations, and gift items. If you would like to donate, drop your donations off at portable 3A.  Angelina explained what the boutique is in her words she said the following, “The unique boutique is an on-campus thrift store that our students will be running. They learn vocational skills while working at the boutique.” The boutique has no end date so you can drop off any items whenever. The 18-21 program is hoping to have the Unique Boutique open in May and then have it on going forever. All of the donated items are going to the Unique Boutique store for people to buy. A question that Angelina answered was, why did the 18-21 program decided to put on this boutique? She responded with, “We focus on job skills and job training in our program and what better what to learn these skills then hands on?” Another question she answered for me was, what are you hoping to do with the funds? She said, “The funds are generated from the Unique Boutique will be used for activities in our class.” The final question Angelina answered was, is there any additional information you would like the student body of Rocky to know? She said, “Students and staff will be able to shop at the Unique Boutique Monday through Thursdays 1st hour, lunch, and 4th hour (when you are not in class). Donations are welcome anytime! Watch for announcements on when we will have our grand opening.”

In conclusion, Rocky’s 18-21 program is holding the Unique Boutique make sure to go check it out and donate. If you have any questions about this boutique, ask Mrs. Hickman in portable 3A.


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(Another setup in the unique boutique).