Winter Informal
February 7, 2023
Rocky Mountains first winter informal was Friday January 13th. The theme was match with your date. Some people got matching sweatshirts and some matching shoes. It was in the rocky cafeteria which made it easy for couples to make an appearance at the dance. When asking 3 people who attended the dance some questions about Winter Informal, we got some insight on what the dance was like.
What was your favorite part of the dance?
Hallie Schrum stated, “My favorite part of the dance was just dancing and not moshing”
Hallie enjoyed being able to dance around with her friends and not having the cafeteria crammed with people. She liked being able to enjoy dancing.
Aubrey Orchard, another student who attended, gave her input on her favorite part of the dance. “My favorite part was when more people came and there was mosh pitting.”
Charli Russel explained, “I think my favorite part of the dance was matching with my date and dancing with my friends.”
Like Hallie, Charli also enjoyed dancing with her friends.
Do you think Student council should continue doing this dance?
Hallie Schrum said, “Yes, I think student council should continue having this dance, just more people should go to it.”
Aubrey said, “I think if more people come next time, then yes it would be a blast!”
Charli stated,” I think student council should keep doing this dance annually and start to advertise more and more so we can get more students involved. It was a fun and simple way to let students come to gather and meet each other.”
As a member of student council, Charli wants them to continue doing it.
What did you think about the informal aspect of the dance?
Hallie explained, “I thought it was fun and I liked how it was just casual.”
Hallie liked being able to dress up casually.
“I liked how we didn’t have to dress up and it felt more chill” -Aubrey.
Charli added “I thought the informal was so fun! It was so cool showing up at the dance and being able to tell who went together because everyone was matching.”
Charli enjoyed the informal and matching aspect of the dance.
From this information received, it is concluded that more students should go to the winter informal. All the students interviewed thought that the informal aspect of the dance brought out a fun and casual side to everyone. Don’t miss out on the fun and go to Rocky’s next winter informal!