It’s Called Art, MOM: Art Club at Rocky
Did you know there’s this photo of Bob Ross with a squirrel in the Art Hallway?
March 17, 2022
When an artist meets his rival, what does he say?
“I’m challenging you to a doodle.”
Art is everywhere; you walk into a room and see color or drawings. Art makes the world prettier and more colorful. When the world doesn’t have art in it, then it would be black and white. Art is also a way to escape, relax and just breathe.
Ann Henneman is an art teacher here at Rocky and she primarily teaches ceramics, as well as serving as the art club advisor. Henneman shared what made her want to be a part of art club: “I thought it would be fun to have students come and not give them homework and to just have them be creative. I like to see kids enjoying art and to not feel like they have to do it. Some people love to draw, paint or play with clay.”
Henneman continued, “I have done a lot of pieces. I entered a lot of pieces in shows and it was a lot of fun.” Henneman has done many paintings of her grandparent’s farm from the 1930’s, which adds a lot of meaning to her art.
Henneman also enjoys drawing: “I feel like it keeps me happy and mentally healthy. It builds a sense of accomplishment when you create things.”
The Art Club meets every Wednesday after school in the art hallway.
Adri Heart, president of the art club, said, “I joined art club because I love make art and being able to experience other people’s art and why they make it. It’s also a really cool way to bond with other artists. We all have our own styles that we are good at. Heart’s style is “cartoony and more funky…but it’s very tedious and I try to avoid it.”
Heart also said to “avoid stippling.” For those of you who don’t know what stippling is, it is where the artist lifts their marker up an down off the paper to create small dots.
Art club is a cool little club; they meet after school every Wednesday and it is a place for artists to relax, talk to other artists, share their ideas and more. Some kids want to have a career with art and some do it to get away from reality.