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The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

Rocky Mountain High School’s Play: Trap!

Rocky’s last thriller to end the year…
Drama Production Trap poster for Rocky’s new play.


Rocky Mountain High School’s latest drama production, “Trap”, has been making waves in the community. The once-secret play was kept under wraps for weeks, leaving students and parents alike wondering what the fuss was about. But now that the curtains have opened, it’s clear that “Trap” is something special.

The play takes place inside an old, abandoned auditorium, where a group of actors are rehearsing a play within the theatre’s walls. As they delve deeper into the story, they begin to realize that they’re watching a crime unfold. The lines between reality and fiction start to blur, and the audience is drawn into a world of terror and suspense.

The special effects were impressive, with strobe lights and fog machines creating an eerie atmosphere. The actors used clever tricks to make it seem like the audience is actually inside the incident with them. When the audience gets to participate in a scene, it’s a real thrill ride.

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The actors themselves were impressive, bringing their characters to life with conviction and energy. Julian Wills, who played the role of Greendress Showgirl, had a commanding presence on stage. Emma Bahmiller, who played the role of the Investigator, adds a sense of mystery to the story. Katrina Kohler, who played the role of the Girl Witness, is passionate and vulnerable. And Van Warren, who plays the role of the Red-Eyed Creature, is menacing and terrifying.

According to Julian Wills, “Trap” is a unique experience that breaks down the fourth wall and draws the audience in. “It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced on stage,” he said. “The audience is literally a part of the show.”

Emma Bahmiller agreed, “We’re drawing you into our world, and you’re a part of it. It’s very immersive.”

Katrina Kohler added, “The special effects are amazing. It’s like you’re right there with us, in the midst of all the chaos and terror.”

Van Warren chuckled mischievously. “Let’s just say that the audience gets a little…involved. But it’s all part of the fun.”

The production team worked tirelessly to create an atmosphere that would transport the audience to the abandoned theatre. They created an immersive experience, from sound effects to lighting design.  The play’s director, Mrs. Davey, said that “Trap” is a true collaboration between the actors, crew, and audience. “We’re all working together to create this immersive, fun experience,” she said. “It’s not just about watching a play – it’s about being a part of it.’’

As for what sets “Trap” apart from other Rocky Mountain High School productions, Van Warren said, ‘’It’s spooky, and filled with horror. It keeps you wondering what will happen next. It isn’t a planned out story you know from head to toe, it’s a fully new story.’’

“Trap” was playing at Rocky Mountain High School all opening week. The production was not just for horror fans – it was for anyone who loves a good story and was willing to take a chance to go see it.

Hopefully you didn’t miss out on this thrilling experience! With its unique blend of suspense, drama, and special effects, “Trap” was sure to leave audiences on the edge of their seats.

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