The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

The Student News Site of Rocky Mountain High School

The Rocky Roar Newspaper

Rocky Mountain Early Football Workouts

Collin Chapman
Carston Clyde squats while Austin Rovig, and James Glasgo are spots him

Rocky Mountain High School has had their football program going on for many years, and the main reason the team does really well during the season is because of their lifting program. Ever since Rocky Mountain has been open, the teams have been in the weight room lifting and getting themselves ready for the upcoming season. The last couple seasons the athletes have been lifting at 5:50 A.M on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Lifting so early in the morning has had some good and some bad impacts on the athletes.

Kaiden Kimble Turner (Junior) has said, “Lifts are both good and bad, its good because it wakes you up and gets you going in the weight room and moving around weight, because there aren’t a lot of schools doing what we’re doing so early in the morning. So, it pushes us to be different, but it sucks that we have to do it 4 days a week because there are sometimes kids tired at school, and kind of sets us up to gain bad habits”. Rocky Football workouts can have good habits and bad habits on the athletes.

Other Rocky Mountain football athletes had other opinions and responses. Jeff Thompson (Junior) said, “Early morning lifts are a good way to gain strength and just be healthier for the upcoming football season. But I don’t like waking up so early because after lifts I am always really tired, and sometimes I sleep through my alarms because it is just so early, sometimes I don’t make it, but I try my best to get to lifts every time”.  Some other Rocky Students like to wake up early in the morning because they want to get more muscle and be prepared to go win the State Championship.

Another Football Athlete had a different response to the questions, Hayden Thompson (Junior) said, “ I am returning from a bad back injury so me waking up early in the morning to make myself better for the season isn’t so hard, because I am going to have to work harder than I ever have before so I can get ready for my senior year and make myself the best athlete I can be. But, in the next level (College) you have to get up even earlier for practice and lifts, so this is just getting me ready for that”.

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Rocky Mountain Football workouts have good impacts and bad impacts on Athletes but overall working out in the morning is just getting the players better so when the State Championship comes around, they will be able to claim that title.

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