We now go to school 2 weeks earlier in the summer, so finals are before Christmas break, rather than after. The change started for the first time this year, therefore most freshman don’t know about the change because they don’t know any difference. Juniors and seniors were however affected by the schedule change.
Multiple juniors got interviewed about their thoughts on this schedule change. Dylan Arnold, a junior at Rocky, and Luke Kennedy (Junior).
The question was, “What do you think about the schedule change?”
“I think it’s great, I like having finals before break rather than after break.” Dylan Arnold answered.
Another question he got asked was, “Why do you think they changed the schedule when they did?”
Dylan Arnold said, “I don’t know why they waited so long to change the schedule, but I feel jealous of the freshman. They don’t know what the change feels like. Even the sophomores knew about the change. Juniors and seniors have it the worse we had it 2 or 3 years before the schedule change.” Dylan also added on, “The change was easy, but it took a while to get used to it. I’m used to the other schedule; I like this schedule better, but I don’t know why they couldn’t do it when I was a freshman instead of in the middle of my high school career, it would have been easier, but I appreciate them changing the schedule. It’s easier for students. I know at least West Ada has done this, but I hope other districts do it as well.”
Next, Luke Kennedy (Junior) answered to the question, “What do you think about the school schedule change, and was it easy for you?”
Luke Kennedy said “I didn’t even know there was a change. That’s cool, maybe they have been wanting to do it for a while but haven’t been able to. I don’t know about the other students but for me it was an easy change. I didn’t even notice it.”
The schedule change has affected a lot of the upperclassman but not so much the lowerclassman. Hopefully everyone adjusts to it this summer and they don’t try changing it again in the future.