Christmas is approaching, and Rocky is starting to look festive. The first snowfall of the year occurred December 1st, marking the end of fall and the beginning to winter season!
As the holidays approach, let’s take a dive into when Rocky students open their presents.
Freshman Samantha Clark says, “I open presents on Christmas morning.”
Junior Val Patillo says, “I open one on Christmas Eve, and then the rest on Christmas.”
9th grader Caylee Do says, “I open presents on Christmas Day.”
And finally, freshman Emily Edvalson says, “It depends on the present. We open the majority of gifts on Christmas day. But, if it’s a present somebody at school hands me, I would open it then cause you get to see their reaction.”
When asked about any Christmas traditions, here is what a handful of Rocky students said.
Clark says, “We always start with stockings first, and we make sure to open presents in intervals. We don’t wanna open them all at the same time, so if I get something really, really good, I’ll mess around with it before I open the next one.”
Edvalson says, “We always go and see Christmas lights on Christmas Eve and drive around. We usually do a secret santa as well between the kids. We also decorate gingerbread houses, and my brother and I make a gingerbread greenhouse, which is always super fun.”
Patillo agrees with Edvalson and says, “We make gingerbread houses, and we always put cookies and carrots out Christmas Eve for Santa and the reindeers, and milk.”
So whether you open presents on Christmas Day, or Christmas Eve, there’s always lots to celebrate. At Rocky, we have fun seasonal traditions such as Wishmas and Trunk or Treat. What do you do for the holidays?
Reilen Jenne • Jan 22, 2024 at 9:03 am
AIden Hazard • Jan 16, 2024 at 10:44 am
For Christmas, we don’t have traditions, I opened a present two weeks after Christmas. Good article though.